Beyond The Sea Soundtrack
In TV Film Post ProductionThe Project
Project Name: Beyond the Sea Soundtrack
Client: Hackenbacker
Client’s market sector: TV and Film post-production
Project time frame: 2 months
Project Aim: To raise the profile of Hackenbacker as a leading film post facility.
The Process
Soho-based facility Hackenbacker had a great reputation as a TV post facility but wanted to draw attention to the fact it was also regularly did great work on feature films.
The Timeline
Month 1 – met and discussed process, pitched and secured main article. Arranged interview and photo shoot, baby-sat interview. Supplied additional material to the publication ensuring Hackenbacker was profiled correctly within the finished article.
Month 2 – Wrote and distributed to all other relevant media a general news story. Provided exclusive quotes to various publications giving them something unique. Ensured main article was published as arranged.